London will have a corridor of bees


London will have a corridor of bees

London will have a corridor of bees

The London neighborhood of Brent wants to become a place bee-friendly or, what is the same, in an enclave in which bees and other pollinating insects find places to live. The goal is to stop the drop in the number of these animals registered by the United Kingdom and that is due, among other things, to the loss of natural habitats.

To do this, they have embarked on the construction of a corridor of bees They hope it will be ready for this summer. Teams of professionals are plowing 22 meadows located in neighborhood parks and open spaces that, once they bloom, will constitute the corridor.

Among the varieties of flowers to be planted, stand out primroses and poppies that will serve to attract the visit of insects and that, in addition to the benefits that it will entail for them, will mean that we, humans responsible for the disappearance of the habitats necessary for these animals to develop, can enjoy the colorful beauty that supposes its flowering.

“Bees and other insects are very important to pollinate the crops that provide us with the food we eat" . These are the words of Krupa Sheth, councilor responsible for the Environment in the Brent neighbourhood, collected in a statement in which she also highlights the need to "do everything we can to help them prosper".

London will have a corridor of bees

Infographic of the future Brent bee corridor

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