Applications to hunt auroras and chase springs: the most technological nature


Sakura also has her own App

Sakura also has her own App

The natural destinations are an increasingly popular option when planning a escape . Clean air and a quiet environment convince many travelers who seek to get away from the city and enjoy a few days of rest in the perfect enclave. However, it is not enough to choose the most impressive place. You also have to go to the precise moment to be able to contemplate the place in its greatest splendor. Different Apps will help us decide what time of year it is the most appropriate so that, when we go, we do not have to listen to someone say that it would have been better to go in another month of the year.


travel to Cieza, in Murcia , is quite a spectacle if you go at the time of flowering. This municipality, which lives mainly from agriculture, is surrounded by fields of peach, cherry and apricot trees that, when the time comes, become an incredible blanket of flowers of different colors. Quite a sight to behold. But of course you have to know when to go. with the app Cieza flowering , available on Android, we will not only discover that February and March are the best time to visit this corner, but also possible routes and information on this particular and ephemeral phenomenon.

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An app will notify you of the perfect moment of flowering in Cieza


The ** Valle del Jerte ,** in Extremadura, lives one of its most special moments with the cherry blossom that cover a good part of its extension. Filled with white flowers, the valley celebrates this explosion of life and now has an app for visitors to enjoy these special days when the region turns white. With celebrations and activities that usually take place between March and May , those who are thinking of visiting it will have to take a look at the Valle de Jerte Tourism tool, available on Android and iOs, so as not to miss anything.

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The Jerte Valley has its own flowering application


Extremadura is not the only region that turns cherry blossoms into an event. In Japan, the whole country waits expectantly for the moment when the flowers of these fruit trees are displayed and, in fact, it is one of the important moments of the year, since it serves to start the school year and the fiscal year. Although there are several apps on the subject — iSakura and Sakura Channel are two of them — most are in Japanese and only available in Japan. For this reason, the best option to plan the trip is ** to consult the website of the National Tourist Office of Japan ** to get a good context about the festival, as well as the ** Japonism page **, where every year they update the forecasts on the peak of flowering depending on the city.

The sakura the natural phenomenon that revolutionizes an entire country

The sakura, the natural phenomenon that revolutionizes an entire country


The Cabo de Gata beaches They are some of the most beautiful places in southern Andalusia, but choosing which one to go to is not always easy. Now an app, available on Android and iOS, offers you information to choose the most suitable one according to the day and your preferences: sand or stones? for families? easy to access? However, the most curious thing is that it advises what is the best option depending on the wind . In this way you will always visit them at the most appropriate time depending on whether it blows from Levante or Poniente.

When the wind blows in Cabo de Gata

When the wind blows in Cabo de Gata


See, at least once in a lifetime, a northern lights it is on the list of many intrepid travelers who travel the world. But getting to spot one is not so easy. For this reason, it is not a bad idea to get hold of a tool capable of telling us when and where we can enjoy this phenomenon that fills the sky with lights. Aurora Alerts Northern Lights — My Aurora Forecast if we want it on iOS — covers all the countries of the northern hemisphere in which they can appear, offering you the best places and times to see them . Aurora Now on iOS, Aurora Notifier on Android, and Norway Lights follow the same approach. For its part, Norway Lights, available on Android and iOS, will only offer us aurora forecasts in Norway, with recommendations on how to get there.

How to hunt the Northern Lights

How to hunt the Northern Lights?


If the natural spectacle that you want to contemplate involves the presence of birds, you will have to know when they populate the area that you want to see, so that during the visit it is full of its most characteristic birds. Therefore, the Birds of Spain app , available on Android and iOs, will be the best ally for us to go to Ebro Delta at the moment that there are more flamingos or that we do not miss the imperial herons of Doñana.

Along the entire path you will spot native birds

Along the entire path you will see native birds


Tulips are one of the symbols of Holland , the quintessential flower of the country. And also from its homonymous city in the United States! In Holland , Michigan, specifically. To hit the dates and go to the place and the show that we most want, the Tulip Time Festival app, Available on iOs and Android, it is the most suitable option.


In the Chilean desert of Atacama , one of the driest on the planet, one of the most curious natural phenomena occurs. In years when rainfall is unusual, this desert blooms and fills with flowers that contrast with the great sand plains. the app Visit Atacama , available on Android and iOS , offers more information about this flowery desert and about the best dates in which to enjoy this flowering.

Flickr El Guille

The flowering desert of Atacama


The Uyuni salt flat It is the largest continuous salt desert in the world and one of the greatest natural attractions in South America. Despite the fact that its white extension full of salt blocks is an impressive enclave throughout the year, the rains make it become a kind of giant lake barely a foot deep that works like a mirror and allows you to take especially curious photographs. . The app Bolivia Travel , available on Android, will give the traveler all the keys on when to visit it to enjoy it in all its splendor whether you want to travel dry and covered in white as if the intention is to walk submerged in its layer of crystal clear water.

Uyuni Salt Flat

Uyuni Salt Flat


Christmas Island, Located in the Indian Ocean, near Australia, it turns red once a year. The more than 40 million red crabs, endemic to this island, begin their massive migration leaving the jungle to reach the coast, where they will lay their eggs. They typically take five to seven days to accomplish their goal crossing bridges and highways under the watchful eyes of locals and tourists alike who snap up some stunning photos of this red herd. If any intrepid traveler wants to witness this massive migration, they should get the Australian Map app , available for Android, which will help you not to get lost looking for them on the island and consult the page web Christmas Island, Natural Wonder that each year offers the approximate dates in which the migration will take place.

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Crabs in full migration on Christmas Island

Crabs in full migration on Christmas Island

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