The romantic neotavern Charlie Champagne reappears in style


A new space in Madrid for creative cuisine with a traditional flavor

A new space in Madrid for creative cuisine with a traditional flavor

The **fifth season of Charlie Champagne**, the pioneer of cool neotaverns that they projected a beam of light in Madrid; in a Madrid that wanted resist the new offer of restaurants throwaway that are born along its streets, grow, reproduce and die. Carlos Duran, current director of the Spanish Selection of Professional Cuisine , expands its bastion in a new space where the champagne directs the operetta.

And it is that Carlos Durán is more than a restless mind . At just 16 years old, he went to France to experience the **Tour D'Argent.** What was going to be three months turned into eight years of experiences and learning. He returned to Spain, passing through Tarragona until he settled in Madrid. In the capital everything was a race of errors and successes.

He started competing in 2006, which allowed him to get his head in the market, Basically, in the international arena. And from there to becoming the culinary director of the current Spanish Cuisine Selection. "Be competition cook It is something that will accompany you all your life. you form for go to a fight one day and give it all That is what has allowed us to be among the best teams in the world Duran says.

delicious bites

delicious bites

Charlie Champagne launches a new identity after a small and necessary break. Because Charlie, according to Carlos, required a change . "We needed to give the customer a new identity . We want to provide the diner with more table identity , that you can enjoy the champagne. We have always had contents , but the continent was not with us," he adds.

With this new location, they now have space for 100 people , in addition to a Private club where cocktails and champagne say it all. We must not forget that Carlos Durán was the first to pour us a glass of champagne without paying it, he meant an internment in the López-Ibor because of a Anxiety Attack.

a new identity

a new identity

The inside of Charlie Champagne flirts between white and color as a sample of Carlos's own personality. all the tables, White marble They have been tailor-made for the space. Are unique. "I wanted the tables to be of a noble material, beautiful and clean. Colors are a very our identity. I have been lucky that he has accompanied me by many people who you liked my project and they have helped me with everything", the chef is sincere.

And among all that help we see Esther Noriega in upholstery, a designer who is already a well-known face in the Mercedes Fashion Week ; or to Antonio R. Horche , of Horche Architecture , in charge of a decoration in which there is no lack a vertical garden of dehydrated moss and the privacy of some rooms where you can eat with the maximum privacy.

pure intimacy

pure intimacy

The classics are kept on the menu, such as the octopus ceviche or the butter fish tiradito, that they have their own flow of customers; dishes that could not be missing in Durán's new bet. In the new proposal they have incorporated the ventresca, the skate and the cocochas in tempura with Romescu sauce, which are simply spectacular.

You can also open your mouth with a old cow tartar with mincemeat and marrow or enjoy a Lord's rice. And to close the menu, the Nitro Strawberry it is the most striking sweet option; although the fabulous selection of cheeses in the Cantagrullas Farm It is ideal for those with less sweet tooth.

And of course, champagne. In Charlie they sell approximately 1,396 cases of champagne per year. Right now they have 14 references ranging from 37 to 1800 euros. And this place is crossed by a path that slides from Dom Perignon Vintage 1982, going by Blanc de Blancs, Perrier jouet, Belle Epoque, Les Oublies de Sanger and many others.

First of all good food

First of all, good food

Charlie Champagne, above all, breathe romance . The crockery has alabaster Part, the first glass that exists, a material that is very involved in the history of Madrid and that they have wanted to recover. Let's not forget that it is in an area of ​​skewers, tapas and eggs; pure authentic Madrid.

Or, as Carlos Durán himself explains: "We try to give something to the customer made from love and heart. We do not change our style, but we have the same romantic identity in a larger and brighter space. We have a bit of everything, from Charlie, from Romanticism, from the classicity that bubbles give, the desire and impetus of those who start, and the strength of those who we've been a long time in this. That is the essence of Charlie". It is perhaps for this reason that Carlos Durán has made us fall in love. Again. And the ones that are left...

Carlos Durn has made us fall in love again...

Carlos Durán has made us fall in love again...


Because, first of all, It cooks rich and well. because the creative cuisine and the taste of always they don't have to be at odds. why have various champagne references to choose from the menu is still necessary. Because a romantic dinner at Charlie Champagne it already allows intimacy, away from furtive glances.


The possibility of enjoying a champagne dining experience goes one step further with a short menu or a long menu, both washed down by Champagne Blood. The gastronomic journey takes you to another galaxy.


Address: Segovia Street, 17

Telephone: 913 651 845

Schedule: Noon: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Night: Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.; Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.

Medium Ticket: 40 euros

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