The most spectacular science museums in the world


Inside the impressive Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

Inside the impressive Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

Feel like an astronaut for a day and experience what it feels like when you are about to take off for the moon; being in front of the largest Tyrannosaurus rex in the world and that your pulse does not tremble, but that you cannot close your mouth before the impression caused by the most famous dinosaur in history (thanks, Spielberg!) ; test your intelligence and skills by competing with a robot in board games... Learning about science and technology has never been so easy and fun.

** THE FIELD MUSEUM ** _(1400 S Lake Shore Dr, Chicago) _

If you are as big a fan of Jurassic Park as I am, you will surely want to teleport to the Natural History Field now. Until January 7, 2018 you can visit Jurassic World The Exhibition , a sample that promises us a total immersion in the best scenes of the film. Almost almost like a trip to Isla Nublar to 'say hello' to the spectacular Brachiosaurus or the fearsome velociraptor.

The best? Facing the world's largest Tyrannosaurus rex, Sue . It is the most famous dinosaur fossil in the world, the best preserved and the most complete, with 12 meters long and almost 4 meters high . It is practically intact and you can clearly see its sharp teeth, 58 pieces that look like daggers.

The most spectacular science museums in the world

Face to face with the world's largest 'Tyrannosaurus rex'

** PRÍNCIPE FELIPE SCIENCE MUSEUM ** _(City of Arts and Sciences, Av Professor López Piñero, 7, 46013 Valencia) _

In the sixteenth century, Nicolaus Copernicus launched the heliocentric theory : the Earth turned on itself and rotated around the Sun, like the rest of the planets.

With a stroke of the pen, this postulate erased geocentrism, which extolled our planet and man as the center of the universe. Galileo Galilei was one of the scientists who defended what Copernicus said and was persecuted for it.

Six centuries later there is no discussion about it and in the Prince Felipe Science Museum , in the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, show us this with a gigantic pendulum: 34 meters high and 170 kilos in weight. It is one of the largest and longest in the world.

If we stand at its feet we see how its plane of oscillation remains unchanged while the ground rotates below it (the earth). If we wait in front of the structure –it is on the main street of the complex, on the first floor–, we will observe how as the base moves, the pendulum is knocking down a series of objects that are placed around it. A practical astronomy lesson ideal for the little ones in the house.

The most spectacular science museums in the world

One of the largest pendulums in the world


What has to happen for an earthquake to occur? How does a typhoon happen? These are two of the unique experiences that are lived in the first person in the Guangdong Science Center.

With 450,000 square meters , this gigantic complex is larger than the famous Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Next September he will celebrate his ten years of life.

Undoubtedly, one of its great attractions is the space dedicated to digital recreations, among which stands out the simulation of earthquakes and typhoons and even the launch of satellites.

The Guangdong Science Center houses up to an 80,000 square meter artificial lake, four cinemas, two laboratories and has Temporary exhibitions dedicated exclusively to the world of science and technology.

The most spectacular science museums in the world

Guangdong Science Center.

SHANGHAI SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MUSEUM _(2000 Century Ave, Pudong Xinqu, Shanghai Shi) _

Challenge the descendants of C-3PO and R2-D2 and play five in a row with them or compete to see which of the two solves a Rubik's cube first. If yours is The Voice, show your extraordinary singing skills with a robot playing the piano. You can also pose to take home a portrait painted by one of the inhabitants of World of Robots, probably the most visited section of this museum.

The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum it's as modern inside as it is outside, occupying a large building with a glass structure and a very futuristic design. Most of its rooms offer interactive events. It is located near the Century Park, the largest green space in the Chinese city.

The most spectacular science museums in the world

Modern inside and out

SPACE CENTER _(1601 E NASA Pkwy, Houston, Texas) _

If you are one of those who as a child came to say that "I want to be an astronaut" or you have children or nephews who are in that stage, the Houston Space Center it's your place.

inducements? Thousands, really. from knowing What is the International Space Station like? , which is partially reproduced in the complex, until participating in a simulation of a space lift-off or to know how to live hundreds of thousands of kilometers from the earth.

Every year around 700,000 people pass through here. We'll see space shuttles, astronaut suits, meteorites, lunar samples and documentaries about missions that have been key in the history of the aerospace industry are screened.

The most spectacular science museums in the world

A walk through the 'Skylab Trainer'

HUMAN BODIES THE EXHIBITION _(traveling exhibition) _

“Life is like that, life, life is like that, full of charm and emotion. It is a forest, a river, rain, wind and sun…” Who does not remember the lyrics of the song of the myic series Once upon a time the human body ?

There are probably some who don't know anything about this so eighties topic that comes to mind when I write about Human Bodies The Exhibition . At the moment he is in the Navarra Conference Center , in Pamplona, ​​so we have it relatively close.

It is impressive, you have to warn, but it is a highly recommended visit, a journey through the interior of the human body in which we can see more than 150 individual organs and 12 complete bodies.

In Human Bodies are presented recreations in 3D and you learn a lot about health and how certain harmful habits can affect the body.

Obesity, cancer, the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption or smoking they take off their masks to put us face to face with how they act inside us.

The most spectacular science museums in the world

The human body exposed in this traveling exhibition

THE MOSCOW PLANETARIUM _(Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Ulitsa, 5 .1, Moscow, Russia) _

It is one of the oldest planetariums in Europe – it opened its doors in 1929 – and it has known how to renew itself and adapt to the times offering one of the best panoramic views of the space , a window to the universe that opens at the Desteches Museum.

advanced technology for show us the night sky of cities like Moscow itself, Tokyo or Paris.

It is made up of several rooms dedicated to astrology, the Uranium Museum, its Lunarium interactive space, the sky park, the observatory and a 4D cinema. Its great room of the stars stands out, equipped with a dome of stars which is among the largest in the world.

The most spectacular science museums in the world

One of the oldest in Europe

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