San Sebastian: movie gastronomy


Frame from the movie Entre les bras

Frame from the movie Entre les bras

I would say that the last Great Art is Gastronomy. Don't you think? And probably the best city in the world (and I'm not exaggerating) where to pay tribute to him is Saint Sebastian . There are 14 stars of the Michelin universe concentrated there, 7.5 per 100,000 citizens, although Kyoto follows closely behind despite the fact that Donostia continues to be a truly extraordinary case. N or it only has three restaurants with three Michelin stars, but also the experimental Mugaritz which has two , which has become the third restaurant on the highly reputable list of San Pellegrino, to which must be added its hundreds of pintxo temples, of unquestionable quality. An excuse by itself more than recommended to travel to San Sebastian. But these days there will be much more and **the countdown has already begun for what will be the sixtieth edition of the San Sebastián International Film Festival** that fills the city with other types of stars.

The film 'Babette's feast is recovered for the festival.

The film of 'Babette's feast' is recovered for the festival

And saying this, the union of the seventh art with the eighth (gastronomy) had to come one day . What could be better than celebrating this conjunction of stars on the ground than in full sebastian festival ( from 21 to 29 September ) . Last year's edition of the San Sebastian Film Festival, organized by the **Berlin International Film Festival and the Basque Culinary Center**, already included the section “Culinary Zinema: Cinema and Gastronomy” . For this occasion, the latter has programmed a selection of seven feature films and a short film that have gastronomy as their central theme. The screenings are accompanied by themed dinners prepared by some of the most important chefs and restaurants. The poster presents eight titles this year: the premiere of six feature films and one short film and the revival of 'Babette's gæstebog' (' Babette's Feast ', 1987) a film by Gabriel Axel which won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 1988.

eat a chef

Alexandre Vauclair confronts molecular cuisine in 'Comme un chef'

Program and theme dinner:

Movie: 'Eat A Chef'

Director: daniel cohen (France)

Synopsis: The star chef Alexandre Vauclair does not understand the new management of the company that owns his restaurant, which prefers to bet on the new molecular cuisine. Vauclair is desperate and out of ideas for the new menu that will be scored by the gastronomic critics of the Guide. Alexandre needs inspiration and a new assistant. And then he meets Jacky, a self-taught, headstrong and very talented haute cuisine aficionado.

Restaurant: Basque Culinary Center

Cook: Aizpea Oihaneder Y Xavi Diez (Xarma restaurant in Donostia) and Robert Ruiz (Fronton restaurant in Tolosa)

Issue day: September 22

Reservation phone: 902 540 866

Price: from €50

Movie: ' Between Les Bras ' (Michel Bras, la ni neu, kitchen heritage) .

Director: Paul Lacoste (France)

Synopsis: In 2009, the French chef Michel Bras, holder of three Michelin stars in the heart of the Aubrac region, decides to bequeath his restaurant to his son Sebastián. Father and son face a crucial moment in their careers: Is it possible to transfer the work of a lifetime? Can the son make a name for himself? A documentary about the history of a family over three generations and the transmission from father to son of a culinary heritage.

Restaurant: Neither Neus

Cook: Mikel Gallo

Issue day: September 23

Reservation phone: 943 00 31 62

Price: from €50

Lupe the one with the cow

We will never see the protagonist of this documentary, based on the fields of Jalisco

Movie: 'Lupe the one with the cow'

Director: White Aguerre (Mexico)

Synopsis: 'Lupe el de la vaca' is the name of a peculiar character that we never see but that gives this documentary its name and that serves as a playful pretext to get closer to the people of a community in the Sierra del Tigre, Jalisco, to talk about subsistence in the countryside of Mexico. A simple tribute full of "good milk" to these farm workers who love what they do.

Restaurant: Ulia viewpoint

Cook: Ruben Trincado (Mirador de Ulía restaurant) and Bruno Oteiza (Biko restaurant, Mexico City).

Issue day: 24th September

Reservation phone: 943 27 27 07

Price: from €50

Movie: ** 'Les Saveurs du palais' **

Director: Christian Vincent (France)

Synopsis: Hortense Laborie, a well-known Périgord chef, can't believe that the President of the Republic has named her his private chef, and that from now on she will have to take care of all her private meals at the Elysée Palace. Despite the jealousy and envy of numerous members of the kitchen staff, Hortense soon gains respect thanks to her genius. The authenticity of his dishes seduces the president, but the corridors of power are riddled with traps. Based on the extraordinary true story of François Mitterrand's private cook.

Restaurant: Inigo Washed (Irun)

Cook: Inigo Washed

Issue day: September 27th

Reservation phone: 943 639 639

Price: from €50

'The flavors of the palace' a chef at the Elysee

'The flavors of the palace': a chef at the Elysee

Movie: 'Babette's gæstebog ' (Babette's Feast)

Director: Gabriel Axel (Denmark)

Synopsis: An undisputed classic of gastronomic cinema returns, in a restored and digitized copy, based on a novel by Isaak Dinesen and starring Stéphane Audran. In a remote village in Denmark, dominated by puritanism, two single sisters nostalgically remember their distant youth and the rigid upbringing that forced them to give up happiness. The appearance of Babette, who arrives from Paris, fleeing the Terror, will change their lives. Her newcomer will have the opportunity to reciprocate the kindness and warmth with which she is welcomed by organizing an opulent dinner with the best dishes and wines of French cuisine.

Restaurant: Bokado Aquarium

Cook: Mikel Santamaria

Issue day: September 27th

Reservation phone: 943 43 18 42

Price: from €50

Movie: 'Peru knows: cooking, a social weapon'

Director: Jesus M. Santos (Peru-Spain)

Synopsis: Culture, biodiversity and miscegenation have made Peruvian gastronomy the main hallmark of the country and an international benchmark. Tens of thousands of young people live it with passion. In this documentary, Ferran Adrià and Gastón Acurio travel through Peru (Cuzco, Iquitos, Lima, Arequipa, the Sierra Central, Piura, Pisco...), talk to chefs, meet thousands of young people to understand the phenomenon. The Pachacútec school, in the poorest neighborhood of Lima, is the symbol of the kitchen as a social weapon.

Restaurant: Basque Culinary Center

Cook: Luis Arevalo (Nikkei 225 restaurant, Madrid)

Issue day: September 28

Reservation phone: 902 540 866 Price: from €50

In 'Peru knows the kitchen a social weapon' Ferran Adrià and Gastón Acurio tour Peru

In 'Peru knows: the kitchen, social weapon' Ferran Adrià and Gastón Acurio tour Peru

Short film: 'Kitchen Dreams'

Director: Philip Ugarte (Spain)

Synopsis: Naia is an eight-year-old girl who likes to play with her toy kitchen: "I like to cook because I have a great time." When she grows up she wants to be a cook, and when she goes to bed at night and closes her eyes she thinks about how much she likes to cook. Then her dreams transport her to a magical world where her wishes come true.

Restaurant: Basque Culinary Center

Cook: Luis Arevalo (Nikkei 225 restaurant, Madrid)

Issue day: September 28

Reservation phone: 902 540 866

Price: from €50

Movie: 'Jerusalem On A Plate'

Director: James Nutt (United Kingdom)

Synopsis: Internationally renowned chef Yotam Ottolenghi returns to his hometown of Jerusalem to discover the hidden treasures of this extraordinarily rich and diverse culture. He meets and cooks with Arabs and Jews in restaurants and at home, putting him in touch with hundreds of years of tradition to create the dishes that define the city and allowing him to explore the flavors and recipes that have influenced his palate. .

Restaurant: ** Ilarra **

Cook: Joean Eizmendi

Issue day: September 25th

Reservation phone: 943 21 48 94

Price: from €50

'Jerusalem on a plate' to discover the hidden treasures of this culture

'Jerusalem on a plate': to discover the hidden treasures of this culture

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