And the best bakers in Spain in 2021 are...


After seventeen autonomous routes with anonymous visits to hundreds of Spanish bakeries to evaluate the quality and presentation of their bread, as well as customer service, here are the names of the best bakers from Spain that they have achieved their Dir Computer Star to the bakery.

In Valencia, within the framework of the Gastronomic Mediterranean gastronomic fair, in an auditorium (the Central Kitchen L ́Espai Exquisit) full of white jackets, the Pànatics and Quality Bread platforms have awarded the stars of the Dir Informática de la Panadería Española to the TOP bakers that have obtained the best scores in the Spanish Route of Good Bread.

Bartolome Arbona of Fornet de la Soca.

Bartolomé Arbona, from Fornet de la Soca.

“Although in recent years we have talked about the TOP 80 bakers, from now on it will be 100” , he explained during the act in Mediterránea Gastrónoma Marta de los Reyes-Garcia (Director of the magazine Pan Baker and the Pan de Calidad website, organizers of the Good Bread Route), in which, in addition, tribute was paid to the baker Eduard Crespo , former president of the Route jury and a reference in the Spanish bakery sector, who has recently passed away.

Group photo of the participants.

Group photo of the participants.

The baker's guild thus demonstrates its union and good health and, although 2020 was a blank year due to the situation and there were no winners because the Spanish Route of Good Bread could not be carried out (the last one was in 2019), in 2021 are back on the road for visit hundreds of workshops in the seventeen autonomous communities . The evaluations have always been carried out by a jury made up of bakery professionals who have been in charge of evaluating, anonymously, the breads that have been presented in each of the semifinals.

External visual image, shape and appearance, roughness and structure, weight (between 800 and 900 grams per piece), rind, crumb, honeycomb, aroma, flavor and structure in the mouth are the aspects that have been scored. Each baker had to present two equal round loaves, made exclusively with common wheat flour or with common wheat and rye flour (between 5 and 10% rye maximum). Each of the loaves, once cooked, had to weigh between 800 and 900 grams. And in fact, It was penalized with 5 points for every 50 gr. deviation relative to the required weight.

Jesús Machí Machí from the San Bartolomé Furnace.

Jesús Machí Machí, from the San Bartolomé Furnace.

Among the 80 winners are...

  • Jorge Llompart Martorell - Forn de Plaça / Algaida (Majorca)
  • Jose Luis Jaume Sanchez - Forn Ca'n Paco / Sa Pobla (Mallorca)
  • Benet Barón - Forn i Pastisseria Benet Barón / Porreres (Majorca)
  • Bartolomé Arbona - Fornet de la Soca / Palma de Mallorca
  • Alejandro Bonora - La Tahona del Boni / El Saler (Valencia)
  • Nelli Iñiguez Teruel - Gold Leaf / Alicante
  • David Terres Ruiz - David Bakery / Orihuela (Alicante)
  • Salvador Pla Petit - Monpla Pastry Shop / Valencia
  • Gabriel Tarrega Delgado - Forn Carrer Morella / Sant Mateu (Castellón)
  • Jesús Machí Machí - San Bartolomé Oven / Valencia

The rest of the winners can be consulted here.

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