Can Bros, past and present in the history of Catalonia


The old factory colony of Can Bros

The old factory colony of Can Bros

There is life beyond Barcelona . That is a reality. It is true that the plans in the county, especially during the weekend, are many and varied. And attractive. vintage markets, concerts, theater, literary vermouths and endless endless activities. However, beyond the splendid and always active Barcelona, ​​between cement, factories, highways and industrial estates on the outskirts Some gems are hidden that no one should miss. What Can Bros, in Martorell.

can bros is an old factory colony which currently has a score of neighbors and neighbors . Yes ok the old factory and the church are closed to the public due to the danger of collapse, strolling through its streets gives a good idea of how was the industrial past of Catalonia . Such a good idea 19th century industrial colonies so iconic that they remain on the margins of the county.

The abandoned church of Can Bros in Martorell

The abandoned church of Can Bros, in Martorell


born in the seventeenth , the neighborhood of can bros take the name of the first owners of the farm; the bros, who in 1666 they took over the land and built a farmhouse . Five different generations would live there. A little later, at the beginning of the 19th century, the Bros decided build a ditch and some mills . However, the project they had in mind failed and the complex was acquired by Michael Elies , an outside merchant.

It was then that they began to build the first installations and started the paper production . But it wasn't until 1852 , when the Castells-Catarineu family settled in the colony, that it began to grow significantly. It was then that the textile production and when they were built main facilities that would shape the colony: a school, houses and a church in neogothic style.

Only about twenty neighbors live in Can Bros

Only about twenty neighbors live in Can Bros

in 1921 the colony was sold to the Fontdevila i Prat family , who managed it until 1967 , date that was after enjoying its time of maximum splendor, when a thousand people came to live in the colony and there was full manufacturing capacity. Now him Town Hall of Martorell works on the possibility rehabilitate the neighborhood maintaining the landscape and architectural heritage.


Can Bros, unlike other neighborhoods in the area, such as the Colony Guell , in Santa Coloma de Cervello , wave Colonia Sedo, in Esparraguera , is one of the most unknown, despite being only half an hour from Barcelona. Possibly the fact that there is no public transport that reaches there does not help too much to popularize the excursion. The only obstacle to a different Sunday walk is precisely that: the need for a car to get there.

The abandonment of Can Bros is clear

The abandonment of Can Bros is clear

Between the weeds and the collapsed buildings silence is found , among which they hide a score of neighbors and neighbors who have decided to take refuge there looking for peace and quiet , escaping from the busy and always noisy Barcelona.

It is true that the neighbors hope that the electoral promises will be fulfilled and the City Council rehabilitate the area , above all, because it is even dangerous to walk there, but they do not want it at any price: they don't want it to become a trendy place , as has happened with the Colony Guell that, because of the Gaudi's Crypt , welcome hordes of asian tourists who arrive in buses with tinted windows. They do not want to lose the main asset of this place between mysterious and seductive: the tranquility.

A tranquility that is only broken at the end of June, when they celebrate the major festivals. Popular vermutada, sardanas, giants, concerts and DJs liven up this small enclave between polygons that few know.

Devil's Bridge

Devil's Bridge


As Can Bros is seen in a jiffy and there is little more to do than walk through its streets and enjoy nature , you can consider the option of approach the old town of Martorell, offering different options.

For lovers of heritage and architecture, the modernist route is the best option . Some of the works of Josep Ros i Ros , the municipal architect of the Baix Llobregat can be found in Martorell, such as the Casa Parellada, the theater of El Progrés or the tomb of the Bové family . His most emblematic work is the River Tower . Also very interesting are graphics (decorated facades), typical of the city and present in many buildings, mostly in the center. They are almost all from the 20th century, from after the Civil War . The Gausa House , Gothic style or the Chapel of Sant Joan neoclassical are exquisite, too.

If the visitor is not so interested in the architectural heritage, but wants to walk around Martorell, there is a route that goes from the church of Santa María to the famous Pont del Diable , from Roman times and an icon of the city. In fact, the itinerary coincides with a section of the Santiago's road , so you can follow the Jacobean shells (pilgrim shells).

Devil's Bridge

Devil's Bridge

If there is time, you can visit The Muxart, Espai d'Art i Creació Contemporanis , the Enrajolada-House Museum Santacana (with tiles ranging from the 14th to the 20th century, ceramics and other architectural pieces) or the Museu Vicenç Ros. It is recommended to call ahead to ensure the hours and availability of the guided tours.

If what you want is to continue in contact with nature, then the option is to finish spending the day in the Park of Can Cases (a green area near the town center) or stroll through the Camí del Llobregat (which reaches El Prat, where the river flows).

Getting out of Barcelona's plans may not be an easy task, it's true; but beyond the A2 there is a whole world of excursions for young and old that can be attractive, fun and, above all, different.



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