Round trip Costa Rica: adventure and nature to break the routine


Costa Rica round trip adventure and nature to break the routine

Round trip Costa Rica: adventure and nature to break the routine

The Costa Rican daily life It takes place between impossible greenery and earthly paradises. There is no corner of this Central American country that escapes the purest and most stereotypical tropical exuberance.

Costa Rica opens the gates of Eden for us with the only condition of leaving behind our worldly concerns. Since no postcard is going to do this place justice, anyone who says adventuress you should start packing when you finish reading what follows.

In much of Costa Rica, the alarm clock is a choir of birds , breakfast grows on trees and the only concern is not to lose count of the animal species that cross your path. This routine, however distant it may seem, it's just a break away . There are plenty of reasons to check first-hand why More than 5% of the world's biodiversity chose to live on this little piece of the planet.

Contrary to what it might seem, this paradise does not exist by divine grace. The iron conviction of the Costa Rican population and public institutions are responsible for this. The absence of an army has allowed Costa Rica make environmental conservation a matter of state.

A high escape

A high escape

Thus, today the Ticos enjoy twice as many forests as 30 years ago and it is expected that, in 2021, this will be the first country in the world with neutral carbon emissions.

The waste of nature of the place means that, with 28 national parks and numerous reserves , almost a quarter of the Costa Rican territory is protected. Here is a small preview of what Costa Rica has for those who are eager for chlorophyll and adrenaline in a round trip getaway.


It was the sea turtle meat and egg consumption industry that baptized this town on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. luckily for Tortuguero , its toponymy could be redefined without problem and today it is synonymous with environmental conservation worldwide.

The Tortuguero National Park, in Limon , is an amphibian paradise filled with beaches, mangroves, estuaries, canals and jungles. Of its 80,000 hectares of pure life, more than half are found underwater in the Caribbean.

Tortuguero in Costa Rica

Tortuguero in Costa Rica

The main attraction of the place are the formidable and peaceful sea turtles that come every year to lay their eggs on these beaches. The role of this national park, founded in 1970 , has been a worldwide pioneer in the conservation of these dinosaurs. A situation from which they have benefited sloths, seabirds, monkeys, spoonbills, alligators, parakeets, iguanas and the thousands of visitors that make this the third most visited national park in Costa Rica.


Going into Costa Rica means climbing . Its rugged geography makes this country a compendium of valleys full of greenery and adventure with canyoning, rafting, climbing and hiking circuits. The directly responsible for so much wealth and entertainment it is none other than the volcanic backbone that runs through Central America.

In these parts, nobody spits fire higher than Arenal. With their 1,670m high, It is the highest volcano in Costa Rica and the epicenter of the national park that bears its name. The minerals that Arenal, one of the most active volcanoes in the area, gives to its slopes are very well used. Jungles and cloud forests dominate as far as the eye can see. The range of greens, inconceivable from Europe, contrasts with a raging blue sky making all of us unexpected expert photographers.

Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica

Arenal Volcano in Costa Rica

This national park, with more pleasant temperatures for visitors from other latitudes, hides waterfalls, trails and lakes everywhere. All this under the gaze of the omnipresent silhouette of the old sandbank . A true igneous paradise for lovers of tropical mountains.


Not far from Arenal, paradise continues. The central zone of Costa Rica is a inexhaustible source of unforgettable postcards . Although the stillness and tranquility of the jungles, prairies and mountains make us all fall in love, Costa Rica is going to not stop still. To do this, the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve it is the perfect place.

Much of this reserve is private, but the neighbors share the richness of these mountains with the rest of the world. In the middle of the last century, a group of dissident Quakers from the Korean War who arrived from the United States found here the refuge and peace they needed. Shortly thereafter, the town of Monteverde, today, epicenter of adventure.

Thanks to its orography, in the valleys that surround this town you can go from the prairie to the jungle and from this to the cloud forest in a single walk. The concentration of ecosystems and variety of species —10% of them endemic— is overwhelming.

As if that were not enough, Monteverde is the ideal place to go canyoning, climb ancient trees or take an unforgettable night tour through the forest.

Monteverde the perfect place for a good adventure

Monteverde, the perfect place for a good adventure


Costa Rica does so well when it comes to environmental conservation that one would like it to be bigger, simply so that there would be more paradise on this earth. The good side of its narrowness, however, is that for the price of crossing the Atlantic, you can almost reach the Pacific.

The pacific coast of the americas it is a milkylometric meeting of the mountain with the sea. At the exact midpoint is the jewel of such a crown, the Manuel Antonio National Park . Their 2,000 hectares —it is the smallest of the national parks— it is more than enough to be the most visited in the country. And with good reason.

The ruggedness of the coastline delights the human eye. The coves and small bays with white sand and turquoise waters they are framed in the steep rock of dark tones. The thickness of the jungle takes advantage of every centimeter of land left by the sea, giving shelter to more than 100 species of mammals and almost 200 of birds. Manuel Antonio is the icing on a cake that seems out of this world.

As time is short and the malea does not make itself, let B the travel brand take care of everything else . Take a look at the circuits that it has prepared to discover these Costa Rican treasures.

To leave the routine behind, let ** B the travel brand ** put you on the plane, find you the most charming hotels and take you from adventure to adventure on your round trip getaway.

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