A redoubt for contemporary art in Ibiza


Vine Rosemary | Ibiza. Inauguration June 2, 2017. Courtesy of Parra Romero

Vine & Rosemary | Ibiza. Inauguration June 2, 2017. Courtesy of Parra & Romero

Definitely, there is another ibiza . And this does not mean that we have nothing against the paradise of coves, endless nights and port snobbery . But it is comforting to know that there are still things to discover, that our preconceived ideas admit nuances and, above all, that there are plots dedicated to art and culture even in the middle of one of the strongholds for hedonism and superficiality best known in the world.

Walid Raad Yet More Letters to the Reader. Vine Rosemary | Ibiza exhibition view. Courtesy of the artist and Parra Romero.

Walid Raad, Yet More Letters to the Reader. Vine & Rosemary | Ibiza, exhibition view. Courtesy of the artist and Parra & Romero.

It is true that one would never reach the Ibiza space of Vine & Rosemary by chance: finding this old hangar located in a manufacturing area near the inland town of Santa Gertrudis it is something that only happens if you know what you are looking for and above all what you want to do there. In addition, it is possible to find it closed, so it is advisable to have called in advance to make an appointment. But let's go by parts.

Nancy Holt Holes of Light. Vine Rosemary | Ibiza exhibition view. Courtesy of the Estate of Nancy Holt and Parra Romero.

Nancy Holt, Holes of Light. Vine & Rosemary | Ibiza, exhibition view. Courtesy of the Estate of Nancy Holt and Parra & Romero.

Vine & Rosemary -the original- is a Madrid art gallery founded in 1993 by the marriage Pilar Parra and Francisco Romero . Initially it exhibited and marketed mainly works by spanish artists present in the secondary market, but gradually took a new direction when, in the second half of the 2000s, it was run by the couple's son, William Romero Parra.

He is responsible for the gallery presenting today a strong personality based on a selection of artists ranging from a refined minimalism and the most exquisite conceptual . Within this range, some leading national and international creators are part of its ranks, such as Philippe Decrauzat, Rosa Barba or Robert Barry . There are few cases in the Madrid gallery sector of such an obvious and non-negotiable line, and connoisseurs know that there is an invisible seal of quality printed on everything they buy at Guillermo's gallery.

Walid Raad Yet More Letters to the Reader. Vine Rosemary | Ibiza exhibition view. Courtesy of the artist and Parra Romero.

Walid Raad, Yet More Letters to the Reader. Vine & Rosemary | Ibiza, exhibition view. Courtesy of the artist and Parra & Romero.

With a degree in Art History, specializing in Modern and Contemporary Art at Christie's in London, Romero had already worked in some of the best British galleries such as Victoria Miro or White Cube before taking over the reins of the family business.

When in the summer of 2013 he opened Vine & Rosemary Ibiza , he already had a very clear idea about his goals. “The main idea was to collaborate in the preservation of the cultural essence of the island” he explains. “Since the beginning of the 20th century, Ibiza has been a haven for intellectuals. Characters as prominent as Walter Benjamin, Raoul Hausmann, Albert Camus, José Luis Sert or Tristan Tzara they have spent seasons in it. Our intention was to continue that legacy and create a meeting and meeting point for artists, curators, writers, museum directors and friends”.

Since then, and every beginning of June, has opened the doors of the imposing industrial building that houses its project, a place that only operates during the summer months and that far exceeds the scale that any gallery in the capital could offer. "The Ibiza space allows our artists to conceive very ambitious projects that would not have a place in the Madrid gallery," admits Romero. "And, on the other hand, it allows us to contact very interesting people who live or spend time on the island".

Nancy Holt Holes of Light. Vine Rosemary | Ibiza exhibition view. Courtesy of the Estate of Nancy Holt and Parra Romero.

Nancy Holt, Holes of Light. Vine & Rosemary | Ibiza, exhibition view. Courtesy of the Estate of Nancy Holt and Parra & Romero.

So one of the events at the same time more discreet and more sophisticated -more fun too- that are celebrated in Ibiza with the summer in the making is the annual inauguration who manages to gather in one outdoor table in front of the gallery hangar a motley crew but very cohesive collectors, curators, critics and socialites. Last Friday the opening party of this season took place, the fifth already. The attendees were able to contemplate a double exhibition, that of the artists Nancy Holt and Walid Raad , which is now open to the general public.

holt (Massachussetts, 1938-New York, 2014) is one of the greats of the land art , at the height of Walter DeMaria or Robert Smithson , whom she married. Her exhibition at Vine & Rosemary has as its main axis the installation Holes of Light , which she created in 1973, in which she applied her concerns about natural light to her interior space. Around it are shown preparatory drawings, photographs of the original installation made by the artist herself and also some sculptures – the locators - that gave rise to the artistic research that culminated in that great iconic work that was Holes of light.

For its part, the Lebanese Raad (born in 1967) develops a work of powerful conceptual content. In this spirit he presents here the installation Letters to the Reader , belonging to your project Scratching on Things I Could Disavow, in a version conceived specifically for the gallery and never before made, which reflects on the proliferation of contemporary art centers in the Arab world. Twelve panels simulate, as a trompe l'oeil, the walls and floors of a Contemporary Art Museum where the presence or absence of shadows introduces both a poetic and critical element.

The two exhibitions are individually differentiated, but incorporate some points in common apart from the use of light and shadow. According to Guillermo Romero, “Both Holt and Raad are two artists whose work is consistent with the gallery's line : is about conceptual artists , one classic and one current, of whom we have the opportunity to exhibit very large and representative installations of their career thanks to the characteristics of our space”.

For this reason, among the truly unique things that one can do in Ibiza in summer, we recommend this one that perhaps they had not considered. And that offers the advantage that later they can reflect on what they have seen while swimming in the nearest cove . This (also) is Ibiza.

Vine & Rosemary Ibiza

San Miguel Highway, Km 2,300

07814 Santa Gertrudis, Ibiza

Tel. +34 91 576 28 13 / +34 679 447 733

Mail: [email protected]

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