The map of the third most spoken languages ​​of each country


The map of the third most spoken languages ​​of each country

The map of the third most spoken languages ​​of each country

We know which is the second most studied language in our country. But, which languages ​​are most widely spoken? In second place, in the case of Spain, we would find the Catalan , the second most important co-official language. And the third? The Galician . So we can see it in this linguistic world map which has been prepared based on data from the CIA factbook and of Ethnologue .

“Searching, not only the most popular languages, but the most popular third languages , a story begins to emerge – a of diversity and deep roots -. And this is the story we want to tell. As expected, English It is the third most spoken language in the world. Then he would follow French and, very close, chinese and italian . It is interesting to note that Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, but it is the third most spoken language in only four other countries”, reads the study of the insurance company Budget Direct (and the world maps designed by NeoMan Studios).

What is the general conclusion? That despite the fact that almost no one is surprised by the most widely spoken languages ​​in each country (take a look at this infographic to analyze them at a glance) or the latter, the third ones can be cause for astonishment.

Map of the most spoken languages ​​in each country

Map of the most spoken languages ​​in each country

This is the case of the neighboring country: in Portugal, the second language is English (Who hasn't thrown their hands in their heads when tuning in to Portuguese television channels to realize that movies are always broadcast in the original version with subtitles?). But... what about the third? the mirandese , which being the second official language of the country is not as widespread as the English language.

In USA , for example, the second language is Spanish; however, the third , is the chinese . on the border Canadian , French is the expected second most spoken language. The third, the Punjabi (consequence of the great Indian immigration that took place since the beginning of the 20th century). This makes us think of migratory currents, in how the borders are diluted when it comes to languages.

Curiously, in 10 North American countries they stay with the label of “does not date” , due to the lack of information and verified data. We do know, for example, that the third most spoken language in Mexico is Mayan ch'ol, belonging mainly to the states of Champeche, Tabasco and Chiapas.

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in North America

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in North America

In the case of Europe , is the only one in which the most widely spoken language on the continent is perhaps the least expected: German dominates the European map. Not so the cartography of third languages, which leads, without a doubt, the Italian . It is followed by Serbian, which is spoken in Austria, Kosovo and Slovenia.

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in Europe

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in Europe


The language range of Asia is enormous: more than 2000 languages ​​are spoken . And what about the third most spoken languages? All linguistic variety disappears to put English first . And the armenian or in the second place of the third most spoken languages ​​in Asia (since it is spoken in both Palestine, Syria, Azerbaijan and Georgia).

And then finally the chinese appears , in third position in the ranking of third languages ​​(although it would seem the winner of all the pools knowing that China is home to 20% of the world's population. ) .

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in Asia

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in Asia

In South America , variety is the norm. Being Spanish the most widely spoken language, when we explore the data of the third languages ​​we come across a panorama without winners: from English to Creole through German, Portuguese or Aymara.

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in South America

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in South America

Nevertheless, Africa is the most chaotic map (or rather, the one that shows more richness and diversity ) : 42 languages they compete in the field of the third most spoken languages ​​of the African continent. Despite everything, English is the third most spoken language in Africa, dominating first place.

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in Africa

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in Africa

And finally, Oceania , whose map of third languages ​​shows something we already knew: that we have no idea what is happening there, its history and its indigenous peoples.

All this is reflected in a map in which the names of unknown languages ​​resonate, such as Hiri Motu (the third most spoken language in New Guinea) or the Hindustani (in Fiji). Nevertheless, Arabic dominates the map of third languages ​​in Australia.

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in Oceania

Map of the third most spoken languages ​​in Oceania

Ultimately, a cartographic exercise to become aware of the great idiomatic richness and diversity of languages . In conclusion, geographies that reveal our ignorance, and that show the need to preservation of third languages so that they do not end up on the map of languages ​​in danger of extinction.

Here you can see all the languages ​​(the three most spoken in each country) in an Excel file.

Map of the most widely spoken second languages ​​in each country

Map of the most widely spoken second languages ​​in each country

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