The coffee and chocolate revolution was born in Barcelona


Marching a coffee in a glass jar

Marching a coffee in a glass jar!

It is impossible not to notice a bottle of Fred if you have it in front of you. Their ultra modern design , imitating old medicine bottles, and its typography very attractive make it one of those objects that attract attention and become instant instagram goal even before anyone wonders what's in those little glass bottles. the answer is coffee , and the quality of the content lives up to the packaging.

The only medicine you need in the morning

The only medicine you need in the morning

"Every summer in our town's bar, they prepared a few jugs of cold coffee to serve them when someone asked for an iced coffee," the Navarrese twins tell us. David and George . "Over time, we realized that we missed it, because the normal thing when ordering an iced coffee is that it is served hot, the ice melts and it remains watery". After spending some time in London, David returned to Barcelona, ​​where his brother Jorge lives, with the idea of ​​setting up a business related to gastronomy. Soon the idea arose to make something with the coffee , a drink that is developing to a new level in important European capitals, in Australia, the United States, Japan or Scandinavia and whose so-called "third wave of coffee" Some time ago it arrived in our country, but it remains limited to a few establishments in some very specific cities.

Fred is coffee made by cold brew , a process in which the ground grain is macerated for 24 hours in cold water. The result, a top quality coffee, ready to drink (it can also be heated if desired) and with a flavor that, as there is no heat, maintains the aroma and juiciness of the grain in a way that is sometimes difficult to find in battle coffee shops. Jorge and David selected a special blend of grains with the advice of Cafés El Magnifico, They found some bottles to package the product in a pharmaceutical company, obtained the necessary certificates to start production, created the design themselves and in a few months they managed to make Fred a reality and make it accessible from anywhere at the click of a button.

Do you make a shot of coffee

Do you make a shot of coffee?

Thus, they sell through the Internet, in the store where they work (Barcelona Foodmakers; passeig de Sant Joan, 13) or in some chosen places (such as their partners in El Magnifico). They are also developing several projects associated with coffee Y a brand of Fred tea made using the same method as cold brew that they will release in the coming months and seems to us to be the perfect alternative to the very sugary industrial preparations. Fred has no preservatives or additives of any kind, neither sugar (We have tried it and the truth is, it does not need it).

If even Starbucks has recently begun to market its cold brew, it is a sign that this cold maceration method It will slowly start to become popular. Do yourself a favor and don't learn this technique through a mix of random coffees in the form of a frappaleteada bomb . Fred is quality coffee that can go where baristas can't, fully customizable, artisan, without additives and, as if that weren't enough, very pretty.

_ Fred : small bottle (size 2 espressos) 3 euros; large bottle 16 euros._

The cold brew that is going to become fashionable

The cold brew that is going to become fashionable

the place of Michael Coulibaly , **Mr. Brown**, at Enric Granados is small but commands attention. A design of white tiles as beautiful as it is simple, a bench and an exhibitor with his creations manage to attract the curiosity of the absent-minded visitor or the one who goes to the neighboring Cosmo. the dispensary , as he likes to call it, is a place of experimentation and learning in which Miquel sells his liquid chocolate prepared with a secret formula.

About twice a week he proceeds to the extraction, of which we only know that he works with cocoa, water and cane sugar . The result? Drinking chocolate like you've probably never tasted before , with a concentration of flavors and an aroma far removed from the glucosyl mixtures that are usually found in cafeterias and chocolate shops, of which there are many and very good ones, but this is something else. The acid, the bitter, the citrus notes even found in the cocoa beans are present here giving you the feeling that you are, for the first time in your life, drinking real chocolate.

The chocolate recipe itself is a work in progress based on tests and trials whose ultimate goal is to end up being marketed in spaces chosen by the world ahead. Meanwhile, Miquel keeps working and trying new things, so one week you can go and meet chocolates with sage and the next some chocolate muffins (3 euros) or some raspberry truffles (1.50 euros). Chocolate of the highest quality and guaranteed creativity, which can also be bought to take away in its liquid version. A laboratory with a long-term business vocation to keep an eye on.

** Mr. Brown ** : Enric Granados 3. Cup of chocolate 3 euros; half-liter bottle, 5 euros.

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mr brown

The liquid chocolate that is real chocolate

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