Cider, the drink of the gods


Life between 'culín and 'culín

Life between 'culín' and 'culín'

Families and friends gather around it on a daily basis and when there is something to celebrate . The place where it' Mayan ’ (mash) the apples is the ‘ wound ’, where the cider also ferments and rests (sleeps) for six months until it clarifies. It is drunk in winches or cider houses , places very attached to the Asturian gastronomic tradition.

Your consumption or spike ’ is a true rite and arouses in Asturias – like paella in Valencia – heated discussions. The custom of spreading sawdust on the floor of the winches and the tradition of sharing the same glass to drink it is something that is in recession, for elementary hygienic reasons, but it still has its defenders. The pourer skillfully pours into the glass the exact amount of cider that should be drunk in each sip, the so-called 'culin' or 'culete'.

In the Principality there are more than a hundred varieties of apples , all necessary to produce a good cider. Some provide acid notes; others, sweet, there are those that give more body... An entire unwritten science that goes from 'wound to 'wound', now protected by the D.O.P. (Protected designation of origin) Cider from Asturias. In Nava is the Cider Museum , place to start a cider route to Villaviciosa. Gijón de Sidra is celebrated in October, two weeks to taste the best ciders -which receive prizes- accompanied by delicious kitchen cazuelitas in 40 cider houses in the city.

The cider of the 21st century has its own name . Is named Emilio Martinez , And it is a brut nature cider , elaborated in a traditional way, with a second fermentation in the bottle, lasting at least six months. Fresh and bright to look at , with notes of green apple and citrus on the nose and balanced on the palate. Its modern and attractive bottle rounds off this Asturian classic in a contemporary version.

muno an institution

Muño, an institution in Gijón


In Asturias, everything is celebrated around food, always accompanied by some cider culines. During the summer the pilgrimages are very popular in all the councils together with hermitages or churches, and the so-called 'festivals of prau' . Both have food and drink stalls. When there is no religious festival that protects the revelry, families and groups of friends gather in the picnic areas , very typical of the Gijón area.

They are informal places, with simple facilities, almost always located on the outskirts of the city . Among the most famous are The crossing (Ctra. de Deva, 8; La Pontica, Cabueñes; Gijón; tel. 985 37 11 30), where the typical dishes are grilled meat and fish, and House Arthur (Avda. del Profesor Pérez Pimentel, 73; Gijón; tel. 985 36 28 51), famous for its cachopos and grilled fish.

The other favorite place of Asturians is the 'llagar'. Next to the cider barrels there are always patios and outdoor spaces, ideal for good weather and for the little ones to run around . It is worth noting the La Morena (Alto de Viella, s/n; Siero; tel. 985 26 39 44), with stone walls, wooden beams and a dam in the center, as if it were a totem . The cider is poured in the middle of the room, and it is always lively. It is worth trying the pote, the fabada and the tripe . Of course, they make their own cider.

In the Gervasio House Mill (Fuente La Plata, 68; Oviedo; tel. 985 23 42 55) the cuisine is centered on Asturian specialties and very good quality seafood. Highlights include the marinated tuna, the fried pixín, hake or squid, and the rice with clams. They have two 'espicha' menus at very moderate prices . Lastly, the Cider House Cabañon (Naves de Llanes, s/n; Llanes; tel. 985 40 75 50) is a place full of charm, where the grilled meat and fish stand out.

_* Published in the Condé Nas Traveler Gastronomic Guide 2015, it is now on sale in digital format at Zinio and Apple. _ You can also download the application for Android and on the App Store completely free of charge and start diving into the Spanish gastro map.

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