Emergency Poetry: now you can listen to poems by calling a free phone line


emergency poetry

emergency poetry

I like you when you shut up because you are like absent,

and you hear me from afar, and my voice does not touch you.

It seems that the eyes they would have flown you

and it seems that a kiss will close your mouth

A poem is an undoubted caress to the soul , a relief, an awakening. 'What I left for you' by Rafael Alberti, 'The Impossible' by José Luis García Martín, ' Sonatina' by Rubén Darío and the renowned verses of I like it when you shut up by Pablo Neruda they are no exception.

When we believed that this literary genre was losing strength or relevance, the **'Emergency Poetry' initiative **, created by Fede Nieto and Edu Bernal , manage to enliven it to show us the opposite.

If in the vortex of our day to day we feel overwhelmed due to the workload, the traffic jam, due to different daily situations that can affect us or just we want to hear a good free poem or sonnet , all is not lost: poetry comes to us when we need it most.

Almost more than a year ago, in the spring of 2018, the creators of the project were programming an independent room, they wanted the central theme to revolve around poetry , seeking to leave the comfort zone and with the aim of captivating the public. That's how it was in April the project was started and it was presented at Sant Jordi at that very moment.

Volunteers are encouraged to always have a book nearby when calling the hotline.

Volunteers are encouraged to always have a book nearby when calling the hotline.

How does it work? we are ready to call the telephone number 659 861 032 for free and in that line a volunteer will assist us, who will begin to recite a classic or own poem , totally original. We will know the title and the author of the poem, but nothing more.

Notably the choice of the poem is at the mercy of who answers the call , having to consider that the telephone connection cannot be extended beyond three minutes, so all types of interaction are ruled out.

Volunteers can sign up through the website or by contacting the coordinator directly. Only they will be on task for a week . Once their period ends, they will give their place to the next person on the waiting list.

In actuality there are more than 180 volunteers waiting to take his place and be part of this amazing artistic initiative. Would you be interested in volunteering? You can sign up here.

Though the project took shape in Barcelona , at the moment they do not have a fixed headquarters. They credit having phones distributed by sites like Aviles, Granada, Valladolid and the Catalan city, each of them is coordinated by a person in charge.

It is not necessary for the volunteers to be based in Barcelona, they can live in any city . Although users will not always be able to access the phone at the time they want, since they may be in another location.

At first they received one or two calls a day, and now about 80 on average are responding . Curiosity, pleasure, the reasons behind each call can be numerous and varied, the truth is that the cultural initiative is gaining increasing acceptance between users.

The idea has been decorated by the Spanish Ministry of Culture as best reading promotion project of June 2019 . The future promises, in recent days they have announced that they will be reciting horror and fantastic poetry in the Sitges Fantastic and Horror Film Festival , which will take place between October 3 and 13.

For curious souls and poetry devotees, just by dialing a few numbers, they will be immersed for a few minutes in an initiative that seeks to promote this acclaimed literary genre . You can collaborate with the 'Emergency Poetry' initiative here.

They currently answer about 80 calls on average

They currently answer about 80 calls on average

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