How to flirt with a man from Leon


A lion will never like you, YOU WILL LEND HIM

A Leonese will never like you: YOU WILL LEND HIM

1. The first thing you need to know is that in León it is not customary to flirt, they take the CROWS . Really. Any day in any bar you can end up dancing as a couple to the rhythm of Living in the Pop era.

two. If you don't know what I'm talking about, better not use the expression: “We met at the Purple, right?

3. It is preferable that you limit yourself to explaining the degrees of separation that connect you (surely you will never go beyond three and Kevin Bacon is the center of the universe in the fourth grade): "I studied with your cousin at Juan de la Encina", "This girl you 'whatsapp' with is my sister's sister-in-law", etc...

Four. An advice: don't do this last if you are not from León , the truth is that not all of us know that "Juan who lives in Ordoño". Here we need some more information about the lineage.

5. It is not obligatory for a man from Leon to like you, so lend a little bit will be enough for him to want to stay with you.

A biker from Leon

A Leonese doesn't like you, YOU LEND HIM

6. Of course, do not expect him to give you something or that you stay for coffee: He will take you a detail and invite you to a cafe (you will show your interest if you too you put a few drops to turn it into damn ; The thing with the toothpick in the mouth during the whole table talk is only required of the descendants of Guzmán el Bueno).

7. So **forget napping **, you will probably end up having drinks while the rest play the game, because yes, in Léon they still play cards past the university cafeteria.

8. Treat them like true pioneers , which, after all, is what they are: they were hipsters before anyone else with their fat wool sweaters with Christmas frets, they have been eating hummus for years at Sunday brunch thanks to the leftovers from their mothers' Saturday stew (and mothers-in-law, don't forget) and, if we go much further, created democracy in March 1188.

9. But don't trust yourself, here Leonese wrestling is a sport , and perhaps also an alternative and not very peaceful way of resolving conflicts.

10. Yes, and we also kill… Jews at Easter. Instead of putting on a poker face when hearing this expression that is not so politically correct, join the group of his friends and ask for a 'lemonade' in every bar you go to.

leons pioneer dog

Leonese pioneer dog

eleven. Because if you want to be the partner of a Leonese, the first thing you have to know is that you will never have a reference bar, but ten , or those that give you time to visit during the hour of the wines (action that does not necessarily have to be carried out in just 60 minutes, nor does it always have to be enjoyed with wine: it is also allowed to order shorts -of beer-, gas shorts , a claret or a butane if you are a teetotaler).

12. It is at this point that the importance of the gender to which the Leonese belongs to conquer comes to light, since if he is a boy you will take him short but if it's a girl you will wear it short.

13. As for wine, there are only two ways to do it right: ask for a Bierzo or a Prieto Picudo . If you don't like regular wine, you're in luck: with a Essence 27 or a Impressions you will come out of the mess with flying colors (there was a time when he linked up with the Italian by inviting Caneis, but the Leonese [products] are ready for fresh).

14. Never, I repeat, never, invite a Leonese to Burgos blood sausage (of rice), is a contest similar to the one between two cathedrals. This is usually fixed in several ways: voting online, of shorts arguing heatedly with his Castilian brothers or doing sport (see point 9 on the lion fight ) .

fifteen. You will know that you are his type if, for you, agree to enter La Bicha to try the most famous black pudding in the city. Only in this case would he be able to stoically endure the anger of the irate owner for things as insignificant as changing a napkin holder.

take them short

take them short

16. The technique of inviting him to dinner may work for you , because in Leon tapas are free. That yes, if you have booked in a creative cuisine restaurant, it is important that you notify him in advance so that before going he eats a chorizo ​​sandwich or you will have lost him forever.

17. Or you can earn points by getting a table at the trendy restaurant , be it the Becook , the Zielo or the niMU Azotea , even if you still prefer the blunt blood sausage and not the look of gold ingot.

18. If you are a girl and want to integrate, Forget about leaving home in summer –whatever time it is– just with the bag in one hand: it is essential to always wear a 'jacket' in the other . No, it's not that it's cold here during the day, on the contrary, it's that you never know when it will end the hour of the wines and at dawn it does cool down.

19. This advice is added to the previous one: if you are going to go to the festivals of your town, don't forget the boots and the jacket . Holding cups outdoors will finally make sense of those fingerless gloves you've never used before. And if the summer is cold... you may also discover that It is possible to make a bottle without ice.

twenty. On Sunday, trail and vermouth. Amen.


Invite him to tapas yes, but also to the fashionable places

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