These are the best European cities to drink coffee


The cities where coffee is religion

The cities where coffee is religion

We Europeans are great coffee lovers. In fact, according to the Center for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI), Europe has the largest coffee market in the world.

In 2018 alone, Europe consumed more than 3 million tons of coffee, which represents 33% of world consumption.

The European continent has a wide selection of different coffees from all over the world thanks to the importation and devotion of the citizens for this drink.

The passion that coffee arouses among Europeans has led Selecta to produce the Selecta European Coffee Index 2019 , based on whose results the ranking of The best European cities to drink coffee.

Can you think of which one could be first? And which are the best in Spain? ¡ Here is the coffee ranking to travel around the Old Continent!


Edinburgh, Amsterdam and Florence, the best European cities to drink coffee


To make the Selecta European Coffee Index 2019 , 89 cities from 32 European countries have been compared through the analysis of several factors.

Thus, the following have been taken into account: the price of coffee (taking into account the cost/salary ratio), the quality and quantity of coffee shops, Wi-Fi connectivity, online searches for the word "coffee" in each city, and coffee imports as a proportion of GDP and population.

Considering the above data, the general ranking of the most 'coffee-producing cities in Europe' is headed by Edinburgh , which is followed Amsterdam and Florence.

In fourth place is Dublin and in fifth place Antwerp . The European top 10 is completed by: Sarajevo, Bratislava, Bologna, Prague and Lisbon.


Edinburgh, the best European city to drink coffee


Taking into account the proportion between the cost of coffee compared to the monthly salary by city, Zurich is the European city where coffee is at the best price. The opposite case is found in Thessaloniki, located at the bottom of this variable.

After Zurich, the list of cities with the best priced coffee is dominated by Italian cities: Rome, Genoa, Milan, Turin and Florence . Madrid sneaks into this top 10 in ninth place.


Italians, one of the most demanding Europeans when it comes to valuing coffee


When it comes to online interest, based on Google searches for the word “coffee” (both in English and in the native languages ​​of each country analyzed), we found that the population that most searches for this drink on the Internet is that of Amsterdam and the least that of Minsk.

Looking at the best and worst rated cities based on the average number of coffee shop reviews for each city on Google Maps, Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest (both in Romania) are the best rated for a cup of coffee in Europe.

At the other extreme is Milan. , which occupies the last position, which reveals the level of demand of Italians when evaluating a good coffee.

In terms of the number of cafes per city, Edinburgh wins the gold medal again in a list dominated by Italian cities –Florence, Bologna, Milan and Naples sneak into the top 10–.

If we look at coffee imports relative to GDP, the Balkans clearly stand out, being sarajevo the first of the list, Skopje the second, Sofia the fourth and Plovdiv the fifth.


'Life begins after coffee'


If we look at Spain, the first place of the best cities to drink coffee goes to Barcelona , followed by Madrid, Valencia, Malaga and Seville.

Barcelona, ​​which occupies position number 18 in the European ranking, also slips into the top 10 of two of the variables analysed, placing itself as eighth European city with the highest number of coffee establishments per capita and ninth with the best connectivity at a European level.

On the other hand, Madrid is the Spanish city where we find coffee at the best price and among the 25 most critical cities in Europe we find Malaga, Seville and Valencia, which are at the bottom of the list with regard to the assessment of quality of cafeterias.

You can see the complete ranking of the results of the Selecta European Coffee Index 2019 here.


No coffee, no party

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