Ciutadella Park


Ciutadella Park

The castle of the three dragons, in the Ciutadella Park.

The Ciutadella Park It is one of the largest and most traditional in Barcelona, ​​loved by the little ones, because it houses the city's Zoo. In addition, the building of the Parliament of Catalonia is also located here.

To its natural charms, such as its monumental waterfall and artificial lake, is added the fact that a renowned geologist and naturalist, who introduced caving in Spain, Norbert Font , had the brilliant idea of ​​placing in the Ciutadella Park a dozen sculptures of prehistoric animals that had populated Catalonia . The first of them, and finally the only one due to the death of Font in 1910, was a mammoth , which in stone and bright colors represents a surprise for those who see it for the first time. Today it is the favorite of the little ones.

Inside the park, you will find the pavilion built by the architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner for the Barcelona Universal Exhibition of 1888, and which served as a café-restaurant. his name, 'The castle of the three dragons' , is due to the homonymous novel by Serafí Pitarra.

Josep Fontserè, in charge of urbanizing the park, had a young Gaudi for the Monumental waterfall , who designed the hydraulic system and devised a grotto under the monumental fountain. This, which is famous today for its large number of sculptures, is crowned by a quadriga which has recently been covered in a golden patina.

The Lady with the umbrella is another symbol of Barcelona, ​​in a corner next to the Zoo, in the park. The statue was erected on the occasion of the Universal Exhibition of 1888, and the curious thing is that it was a sculpture in which a contemporary woman , dressed in a bustle and parasol, when it was usual to create feminine images of a classic cut. Perhaps the feminine revolution began with her?

Map: See map

Address: Passeig Picasso, 1. Barcelona See map

Schedule: From 10:00 a.m. to sunset

Guy: Parks and gardens

Official Web: Go to the web

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