A gastronomic journey through Spain and Portugal: this is the 2019 Guide to Restaurants, Hotels and Wines



An essential object of desire

Disguise. lazy. Make up that you can't find it; I have no idea where the hell you put it. Pro readers well know that books are not loaned, if they are given away, and the same applies to this guide that you have in your hands for a very simple reason: as soon as you let it go... you will not see it anymore.

I have no doubt because there is no other, and I affirm it as convinced as proud, with greater power of prescription, with so many first swords signing their opinions, with such a conscientious selection of hotels, restaurants and wines, with so much detail in its design and photography thanks to Ángel Perea and Javier Trapero, what a pair of artists.

Again and After the success of the last edition –with a happy record of circulation and sales–, We have had some of the best journalists, gastronomes and good people to fill these pages with life.

Arantxa Neyra, more than once on the verge of a nervous breakdown and more than once because of me (the bad guy in the movie, of course), he has been able (as always) to coordinate the comings and goings between tablecloths and hotel keys from, take air, Xavier Agulló, Alejandra Ansón, Mar de Alvear, Elena Barrios, Miguel Bonet, Sento de Cecilio, Irene Crespo, Guillermo Elejabeitia, Eduardo Gandía, Jorge Guitián, Esther Ibáñez, Leyre Iracheta, Clara Laguna, Duarte Lebre de Freitas, Pedro Luis Lozano, Carlos Mateos, Matoses, Mingo Pablo, Gema Monroy, Paula Móvil, Federico Oldenburg, Raquel Pardo, Marta Sahelices, Gonzalo Torres, Isabel Sánchez, Jesus Terrés and Anabel Vázquez, among others.

Yes, there are many. A lot of. And all thanks to our blessed madness of being more rigorous than ever and, for the first time, including this year a selection of hotels which, after all, are an essential part of the journey that gives meaning to Condé Nast Traveler. The one that fills our war cry with likes, #YoSoyTraveler.

We are also launching a country, since months ago we decided that ** Portugal ** should be by our side, very close, and not only for obvious reasons, but also because they are very Traveler. Muito. I know that many of our neighbors closely follow the adventures of this magazine and I can attest that readers like you love to cross the border in search of tasty cozinhas, surprising vinhos and spectacular hotéis.

Finally, thank you. Thanks to everyone who has spent months working hard on this guide and, above all, thanks to you, that you already have it in your hands and you don't plan to let it go. Do not ever do that.

*The printed version of the guide is available at the Conde Nast online store. The digital version of the guide is available from the Apple Store , Zinio and Press Reader .

Cond Nast Traveler Guide 2019

The Ultimate Guide: Don't Lend It To Anyone

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