Condé Nast Traveler turns ten years old and celebrates it in Madrid


Ten years are nothing, they are a lot

Ten years are nothing, they are a lot

A special day, a special month, a special number. Ten years of planes, trains, ships, motorcycles, bicycles and, since we are here, donkeys, camels and elephants.

Ten years of charming hotels, rooms with views, restaurants, spas, retreats, hanging houses and why not, tents and nights outdoors under the stars.

Ten years of big cities, lost towns, deserts and tropical jungles. In short, ten years traveling for the same purpose: make people dream

The 10th anniversary of Condé Nast Travele r deserved a party. And what is the first thing to choose when preparing a party? The localization . It was then that we looked out the window and there was not much more to add: Madrid. Madrid will be a party. Madrid will be OUR PARTY. And since we began to sweep home, the hosts could not be other than their people.

Because after all, Madrid belongs to all those who love it and go through it every day, to all who live it. And they say that once you live it, there is little you can do now: you want to live it forever.

We did not want to put adjectives. Castizo, alternative, traditional, unknown... all those words already monopolize too many headlines. This is OUR Madrid, plain and simple. Ours and the more than thirty Madrilenians –because being Madrilenian is not where you come from but where you are– who gladly wanted to be part of the party.

From the world of music, like The Well Beloved ; to gastronomy, hand in hand with Diego Guerrero and Javi Estevez ; going through art, with Enrique del Río, Amaia de Meñaka, Brianda and Jacobo Fitz-James ; continuing through the theater, with Michael of the Arc ; fashion with Moses Grandson ; painting with Mercedes Bellido and Lulu Figueroa ; the hotel industry, with Pablo Carrington and Enrique Solis ; and of course, the cinema, with guests as illustrious as Olivia Molina, Sergio Mur, Miriam Giovanelli, Ana Rujas and our cover, Veronica Echegui , who did not think twice about getting into the Sabatini Gardens pond to give us some snapshots that speak for themselves: light, joy, optimism and strength.

All of this is Madrid and we hope that you receive it with the same enthusiasm that we have prepared: running in the rain through the slaughterhouse ships , tidying up the world on the sofas in the Urso lobby and excitedly watching the sunset from the Uncle Pio Hill, feeling ourselves the smallest beings in the world, but with something very big on our hands. That something is now yours. Yes, Madrid is yours.


In addition, as the culmination of an issue dedicated on paper and soul to the city, we interviewed Anthony Lopez , the painter who has best known how to capture the light of Madrid, with views of (his) Gran Vía, a talk about art, life and that Madrid that never ceases to amaze.


Antonio López, one of the most sought-after artists of our era

Ten years are nothing, they are a lot

Ten years is nothing, ten years is a lot

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