Nature Zielo de Levante: the first bubble hotel in the Valencian Community is born


Nature Zielo de Levante is born the first bubble hotel in the Valencian Community

Nature Zielo de Levante, the first bubble hotel in the Valencian Community is born

What was originally going to be an opening for the first quarter of 2020 had to be postponed for almost a year due to the stoppage due to the coronavirus crisis . Now, with the arrival of the new normal and claiming -as well as needing- more than ever a rural tourism loaded with (dis)connection, Nature Zielo de Levante arrives in hotel form with a selection of five bubbles adapted to all tastes and preferences.

Located in the region of High Mastership -specifically in the municipality of Tírig, in the facilities of the La Valltorta campsite - we can reach them one hour by car from Castellón and just over an hour and a half from the city of Valencia. Openings like this are presented as the quintessential getaway to do in the coming months either as a couple, with friends or with family . Do we let ourselves be carried away by the magic of the firmament?

Nature Zielo de Levante is born the first bubble hotel in the Valencian Community

Nature Zielo de Levante, the first bubble hotel in the Valencian Community is born


The history of this bubble hotel does not begin this 2020 in the province of Castellón, but we have to go back until July 2019 to the town of Villahermosa (Ciudad Real) . It was then that White Magin (owner of the business) launched the Hotel Zielo Las Beatas project with five bubbles as its main attraction and Hotel Las Beatas , both located on the same land.

“It was a private farm that was converted into a hotel taking advantage of the potential of Castilla la Mancha in terms of peace, tranquility, little pollution, gastronomy, among others ”, he comments to Magín Blanco, responsible for accommodation . Over the months and thanks to its strategic position not far from Madrid, this bubble hotel It has become a reference for lovers of astrotourism and nature in an intimate and very romantic setting.

At the end of last year they made the decision to expand by opening a new hotel with bubbles where you can sleep under the stars ; but on this occasion they focused on Levante, with the intention of offering this type of experience closer to tourists from the Valencian Community and Catalonia. This is how, after months of uncertainty and a lot of work, Nature Zielo de Levante is born becoming the first accommodation to have this type of stay in the entire autonomous community.

We are going to become the first bubble hotel chain in our country , with all the necessary adaptations so that couples and families can live and personalize their experience to their liking”, indicates the person in charge of Nature Zielo de Levante, Magín Blanco.


We are facing five bubbles with all kinds of luxuries and comforts with a wide variety of common characteristics but that at the same time differ from one another, whether in their size, equipment, services, price.... “This type of project they take a lot more time and dedication than it seems, since it is not just getting the bubbles, but adapt a rural and pollution-free area to all the comforts we offer ”, assures Magín Blanco.

Nature Zielo de Levante is born the first bubble hotel in the Valencian Community

Nature Zielo de Levante, the first bubble hotel in the Valencian Community is born

“One of the things that we have been asked the most since we opened Zielo Las Beatas is about the possibility of going with children and dogs . At Nature Zielo de Levante we have taken this step forward and our intention is that the capacity of some of our bubbles be up to 4 people in which we will admit children, and everything will be adapted to be dog-friendly . Although for that we still have to wait a few months until they grant us the necessary permits”, continues the person in charge of Nature Zielo de Levante.

Regarding the characteristics and services of the accommodation, we must know that the air is always entering continuously during the 24 hours and is renewed about 7 times an hour in each bubble . In addition, the entire enclosure has a decoration according to luxury and nature, and has a restaurant to offer lunch and dinner to guests. Although if you prefer -and as long as the weather conditions allow it-, you can taste the menu in your own private plot to guarantee maximum privacy. For your part, breakfast arrives every morning in basket format to each bubble ! Doesn't sound bad, right?

And of course, let's not forget that we can enjoy the best astrotourism in the vicinity of the Valltorta-Gasulla Cultural Park in this campsite offers telescopes and astronomy books in each of the rooms so that the client can enjoy the best starry nights at any time of the year.

Zielo Levante

The air is always entering continuously during the 24 hours and is renewed about 7 times an hour in each bubble


Yes before the pandemic seek refuge in privacy and in nature It was already an increasingly common claim, now it is almost a necessity that customers consider as priority when demanding a traveling getaway.

“As unfortunately we have seen, the big cities have been the most affected by this virus, mainly due to the agglomeration of people who live in them. Rural areas are now the most valued destinations to feel safe and disconnect from stress and daily routine ”, comments Magín Blanco to

In addition to being in a unique environment, away from pollution and large population centers , from Nature Zielo de Levante have taken into account all the COVID-19 prevention measures required by institutional bodies, but they have also developed their own preventive plan that incorporates extra measures to take maximum care of both guests and employees and they have included an air purifying system in the bubbles. Everything is designed so that the stay is intimate, familiar, romantic and -of course-, safe!

Zielo Levante

Perfect to enjoy the stars


And what can we do besides sleep under the stars? Nature Zielo de Levante is located in Tírig, in the region of Alto Maestrazgo and in the vicinity of the Barranco de la Valltorta . Less than an hour away we find the Levantine coast to the east with towns like Peñíscola, Alcocebre or the wonderful Sierra de Irta and to the west we can reach the beautiful medieval jewel of Morella, which leaves anyone who visits it speechless.

“A new business that attracts people is always welcome, even more so if it takes advantage of facilities that had been left unoccupied and not expected to be used in the medium term. Tírig, due to its low population, provides an ideal place to abstract from the current rhythm of life, the tranquility of the population and a some isolation gives the opportunity to spend a few days relaxing and in contact with nature in a place dotted with corners of beauty and importance such as the Valltorta Cultural Park – Gasulla ”, they indicate to from the Tourism Office of the Tírig City Council.

In addition to the ravine where you can make routes of hiking, running or cycling (in the Nature Zielo de Levante itself you can rent electric mountain bikes so that the experience is round), in the same area we cannot miss the visit to the Valltorta Museum and Cova dels Cavalls . "Here we will find the presence of cave paintings of about 7000 years old, of worldwide importance as it has been a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1998", they comment from the Tourism Office of the Municipality of Tírig.

Endless details of the most attractive located in this enclave in the interior of Castellón that is crying out for a weekend trip whenever the opportunity presents itself . Do we book night under the stars?

Zielo Levante

Sally Ride Room by Zielo Levante

Address: Road CV-131 12179 Tírig, (Castellón) See map

Telephone: +34 630 949 950

Schedule: Open 365 days a year

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