Articles #1215

We welcome the 'new tavern of all life' in Madrid: this is DisTinto

We welcome the 'new tavern of all life' in Madrid: this is DisTinto
There is nothing that you like more in Madrid than a 'lifetime tavern' like DisTinto.If there is a sugarcane street in Madrid that is Jesus Street....

Potsdam: 100 years of European Hollywood

Potsdam: 100 years of European Hollywood
The Caligari Halle of the Filmspark BabelsbergIt was the year 1912 when a abandoned and glazed plastic flower factory was chosen as the perfect location...

Galway 2020: explosion of Irish culture

Galway 2020: explosion of Irish culture
Galway 2020: explosion of Irish cultureWhat that culture in Galway exceeds any expectation is something that we are not going to discover: in this little...

When this is all over, look for us in Connemara

When this is all over, look for us in Connemara
When this is all over, look for us in ConnemaraPerhaps when we recover our true life, the one that carries the word freedom as a flag, what the body...

Cambridge resident

Cambridge resident
Cambridge resident"It is an asylum, in all senses of the word," argued the poet Alfred Edward Housman (in English, asylum also means ' mental hospital...

Bloomsbury and Marylebone

Bloomsbury and Marylebone
Gordon Square in Bloomsbury.cities have their borders , and in London a very clear one is Oxford St. Crossing this street heading north from Chinatown...

‘Every Day I Pray for Love’: Yayoi Kusama’s new exhibition awaits you in New York

‘Every Day I Pray for Love’: Yayoi Kusama’s new exhibition awaits you in New York
The artist celebrates her 90th birthday with her.The fans of the artist yayoi kusama you're in luck, the gallery David Zwitner located in Manhattan...

Bodega de Quintín: gastronomic getaway 45 minutes from Madrid

Bodega de Quintín: gastronomic getaway 45 minutes from Madrid
In Bodega de Quintín the contemporary decoration contrasts with its historical past.Surely, managing a family hotel was not part of Irene García's plans...

Madrid in three illustrated metro stops with Sara Herranz

Madrid in three illustrated metro stops with Sara Herranz
Madrid according to the author of 'Everything I never told you I keep here'“Today is one of those days where I need a hug or three beers” , thinks the...

The gazpacho revolution

The gazpacho revolution
The most 'gazpachera' Spanish vegetable gardenWhile in certain places in the world such as Morocco, Lebanon or Malaysia heat is met with heat -with...

Madrid: five stars for the last dinner of 2014

Madrid: five stars for the last dinner of 2014
New Year's Eve in Orfilamaybe some who read this article they remain, as happens to us, in a state halfway between reverie and arrogant envy. It is...

Tips to survive (aesthetically) a flight

Tips to survive (aesthetically) a flight
Look how lush! They obviously followed our adviceTHE LUGGAGEHere you have to follow Antonio Machado as many Spartan literati and travel as light as...