Articles #1245

The municipal libraries of Madrid open their online catalog to all citizens

The municipal libraries of Madrid open their online catalog to all citizens
The libraries of Madrid make their collection online available to all citizensThat book that was always borrowed, that other that you wanted to buy...

From Petra to Russia: we travel the world in seven virtual walks

From Petra to Russia: we travel the world in seven virtual walks
From Petra to Russia: we travel the world in seven virtual walksTeleportation is not yet a fact, but almost, almost. We curl the curl, we make the double...

Open what is probably the most expensive (and one of the most elegant) libraries in the world

Open what is probably the most expensive (and one of the most elegant) libraries in the world
A unique environment"Capella Books is not just a library; it is a new type of space designed specifically for get the most comfortable interaction possible...

The Labrouste reading room of the former headquarters of the National Library of France reopens to the public

The Labrouste reading room of the former headquarters of the National Library of France reopens to the public
The Labrouste room after being restoredIn the 19th century, Labrouste was given two very clear guidelines when designing the reading room that would...

Snow destinations for beginner skiers

Snow destinations for beginner skiers
CandanchuMy reconciliation with this sport came last winter, in Sierra Nevada . Nothing to go on an adventure, some private classes, adequate equipment,...

Diary of a trip to Rio de Janeiro I: have friends for this

Diary of a trip to Rio de Janeiro I: have friends for this
Sunset over Rio de Janeiro"Gentlemen passengers, in twenty minutes we will land at the airport of Rio de Janeiro . The local time is 3:35 p.m. and the...

Diary of a trip to Rio de Janeiro II: in search of the perfect cocktail

Diary of a trip to Rio de Janeiro II: in search of the perfect cocktail
Tee Mao, in full swingtee mao , the Chinese bartender, begins to take objects out of an imaginary top hat to complete the performance of his cocktail:...

The Thames, from pub to pub

The Thames, from pub to pub
A highway of fresh water and banks of beerIt all started with a bet. As it happens with many of the most memorable moments of Humanity. Let's get situated....

Who are the most digital travelers in the world?

Who are the most digital travelers in the world?
Traveling without mobiles...impossible?If Isabella Bird was able to cross 19th century Japan with the simple help of boots, her feet, intelligence and...

Gofio: Canarian flavor in Madrid

Gofio: Canarian flavor in Madrid
Canarian flavor in MadridThe place in question exists. And no, it is not in any of the seven islands, but in the Neighborhood of the letters , in the...

This is the Barcelona you don't expect

This is the Barcelona you don't expect
The unfathomable paths of MontsenyAlong with the great works of Gaudí, the impeccable Gothic quarter or walks through Barceloneta, Barcelona offers...

Gubbio, here is the largest Christmas tree in the world

Gubbio, here is the largest Christmas tree in the world
The largest Christmas tree in the world is in GubbioDecember 7 is not just any day for the inhabitants of Gubbio, an ancient medieval city that is guarded...