Articles #13

Teleworking in town: the nomadic trend that has come to stay

Teleworking in town: the nomadic trend that has come to stay
The rise of the digital nomad has opened up a world of possibilities. During the year 2020, more than four thousand startups were created in search of...

Roadsurfer: the summer of your life awaits you aboard a van

Roadsurfer: the summer of your life awaits you aboard a van
A fine dashed line separates a first getaway in van of adopt the “road and blanket” philosophy as lifestyle. And there are several reasons why sit on four...

'FEM Coliving', the project that makes teleworking possible in rural areas

'FEM Coliving', the project that makes teleworking possible in rural areas
We are facing another of those projects that was born during confinement, but that it had already been in the heads of its protagonists long before. Joan...

Responsible tourism: how to travel in the most respectful way possible

Responsible tourism: how to travel in the most respectful way possible
The responsable tourism is trend. There is increasing awareness of how mass visits affect local communities and more concern about finding destinations...

Turkey has asked to change its international name

Turkey has asked to change its international name
It's official: English speakers will no longer confuse the turkey with the old Byzantine Empire (Turkey and Turkey). And it is that Turkey has asked to...

Why it is not good that the vegetation increases in the Alps

Why it is not good that the vegetation increases in the Alps
What comes to mind when you think of the Alps ? Probably rock peaks covered with a snow Cape . The increase in vegetation in the Alps is changing this...

The longest glass bridge in the world: would you dare to cross it?

The longest glass bridge in the world: would you dare to cross it?
Vietnam he is famous for many things : beautiful temples, delicious cuisine, impressive rice fields, a serene coastline… and now, perhaps, the longest...

8 women from the world of whiskey who changed the industry

8 women from the world of whiskey who changed the industry
Whiskey has always been considered man thing , but actually the queens of this drink have been them . Either taking charge of companies run by men without...

The 9 best places in India that you will want to visit in 2022

The 9 best places in India that you will want to visit in 2022
Travelers from all over the world are celebrating! After a year and a half of restrictions due to the pandemic, India returns to open its borders to international...

To which countries can you travel from Spain?

To which countries can you travel from Spain?
Have passed two years from the first quarantine . After a lot of uncertainty, changes and fears, after the arrival of the vaccines and from much more hopeful...

Environmental women who fight for the planet, fauna and people

Environmental women who fight for the planet, fauna and people
Dive into the depths of an ocean, explore the more remote regions , build up shelters that protect from predators and from inclement weather; the environmental...

7 tips to stay fit on the road

7 tips to stay fit on the road
To travel It is one of the activities that break the routine , and this is perfect when what we are looking for is a getaway to disconnect, but it can...