Articles #156

Hotels that help you run

Hotels that help you run
The Four Seasons in San Francisco helps you navigate its streets at the pace of a runnerBut in this idyllic situation there may be obstacles that ruin...

'Around the world in 80 days': a new adventure

'Around the world in 80 days': a new adventure
80 days to go around the world... and there are plenty. Phileas Fogg He was a character convinced of the feat that, in a fit of confidence and bravado,...

Maldives for the first time

Maldives for the first time
Maldives for the first timeThe million visitors who quadruple the country's population each year are still discovering the new hostels for independent...

Iguazú: how to enjoy one of the seven natural wonders of the world

Iguazú: how to enjoy one of the seven natural wonders of the world
We tell you the best way to enjoy paradise and how to do it literally 24 hours a day.Already from the plane one intuits that this place is going to...

Uruguay, the best hidden gem in Latin America

Uruguay, the best hidden gem in Latin America
Uruguay, the best hidden gem in Latin AmericaThere are places that for a long time have remained in a state of secrecy, hidden under a cloak of supremacy...

Jamaica is the destination you were looking for for your vacations

Jamaica is the destination you were looking for for your vacations
It's true.You won't need much more than a sarong, a swimsuit and a hat when you're in this orchard of peace in Jamaica . The country will give you the...

The map showing light pollution in the world

The map showing light pollution in the world
Its creator, Jurij Stare, has used data from the Earth Observation Group (EOG)In different layers, interactively and using data from the NGDC Earth...

Dark Sky Park, the park in Holland where you will see the Milky Way without a telescope

Dark Sky Park, the park in Holland where you will see the Milky Way without a telescope
It is enough to lie down on the ground to see the Milky Way perfectlyNo matter how many millennia go by: what most fascinates human beings is still...

The European Space Agency creates the map of the 1,700 million stars

The European Space Agency creates the map of the 1,700 million stars
The map of 1.7 billion starsThe mission Gaia of the European Space Agency has surprised us again with a new map of our galaxy, the most complete to...

How to see five planets (with the naked eye) in one night

How to see five planets (with the naked eye) in one night
Enjoy Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and SaturnWho cares about the cold when Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be within reach of your eyes?...

Dark Sky Observatory or how to gaze at the stars in Northern Ireland's first official dark sky park

Dark Sky Observatory or how to gaze at the stars in Northern Ireland's first official dark sky park
Dark Sky Observatory - the first official night sky park in Northern IrelandOn limited occasions we have had the opportunity to catch a glimpse of a...

They create the most detailed map of the place we occupy in the Universe

They create the most detailed map of the place we occupy in the Universe
From this you start to feel small, very smallThe map, commissioned by the Nature magazine and directed by the astronomer Brent Tully of the University...