Articles #434

Malaga Festival: Spanish cinema to come

Malaga Festival: Spanish cinema to come
The Malaga Festival turns 25 years old. a quarter century of celebrate spanish cinema and, precisely, to celebrate it in a big way, it has decided to expand....

Somiedo: the brown bear as an excuse

Somiedo: the brown bear as an excuse
Somiedo: the brown bear as an excuseSpring has reached all its splendor in the remote valleys of Somiedo, in Asturias, where the bears roam freely through...

Somiedo Natural Park: the place where time decided to stop

Somiedo Natural Park: the place where time decided to stop
Teito in the Somiedo Natural ParkIn the Somiedo Natural Park –located in a territory where Asturias almost begins to embrace the plains of Castilla...

Las Ubiñas-La Mesa Natural Park or how to enter the universe of the brown bear without leaving Asturias

Las Ubiñas-La Mesa Natural Park or how to enter the universe of the brown bear without leaving Asturias
I have seen a bear!we have come to Las Ubiñas Natural Park - La Mesa to see bears But the goal is actually a good excuse to enter their habitat, one...

Relax at the end of the Camino

Relax at the end of the Camino
Only for this corner is it worth coming hereThe best motivation to start a trip is to know that in the end a reward awaits you . If the path is none...

The Pilgrim Train: the Camino de Santiago with a hotel on rails already has dates

The Pilgrim Train: the Camino de Santiago with a hotel on rails already has dates
Camino de Santiago + train trip = perfectionThe third edition of the Pilgrim Train will cover the route Madrid – Vigo - Pontevedra - Vilagarcía de Arousa...

La Galiciana: the gastronomic market that is revolutionizing Santiago

La Galiciana: the gastronomic market that is revolutionizing Santiago
The Lacon Street Burger** Santiago de Compostela ** is, despite its relatively small size, a city with an interesting gastronomic scene.The Galician...

tuna liturgy

tuna liturgy
tuna liturgyThere are places in the world that overflow Utopia ; telluric scenarios, psychic axes capable of dressing the traveler as a nomad and the...

A journey through time through music in the Royal Botanical Garden

A journey through time through music in the Royal Botanical Garden
Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid.Such a long summer and, this time more than ever, so desired, deserves plans that match our desire to enjoy it. The...

Ascent to Torozo, the rock of the Cinco Villas de Gredos

Ascent to Torozo, the rock of the Cinco Villas de Gredos
Ascent to Torozo, the rock of the Cinco Villas de GredosThere are many travelers who visit daily the Peak Port, the high one that, in the municipality...

This is the list of the countries most affected by global warming

This is the list of the countries most affected by global warming
We are sorry to get catastrophic, but global warming is a fact. The future of our century is marked by drastic changes in temperature and unexpected natural...

Last Call: six plans to get to know rural Spain

Last Call: six plans to get to know rural Spain
Consuegra and its famous windmillsAttention dear urbanite! Listen to your inner countryman and enjoy these days of rural life and great dishes that...