Articles #48

Lucía Freitas, renewing Galician cuisine in Santiago (and in New York)

Lucía Freitas, renewing Galician cuisine in Santiago (and in New York)
Lucía Freitas, the cook of the sea.Like so many other chefs, **Lucía Freitas** discovered cooking in her family. “Whenever something special had to...

Is it normal to what we came to?

Is it normal to what we came to?
The normality, As much as we face it, it means many times a slab from which it is difficult to escape. A fight that we carry against ourselves for legitimize...

What if there is no octopus for so many mouths?

What if there is no octopus for so many mouths?
We need to change our consumption habits regarding octopusFrom the day 1st of July The ban has been opened and it is now possible to **catch octopus...

The 18 books of the year to not fail in your Christmas gift

The 18 books of the year to not fail in your Christmas gift
December, in addition to being cold, always brings the end of a cycle. Or what is the same: time to recapitulate, also with the books of the year. we all...

Where do Galician chefs eat?

Where do Galician chefs eat?
This is how Galicia tastesThere are many ways to know the kitchen of a destination: get a guide and get carried away by her recommendations, ask the...

It was time to claim the afternoon movies (and if they are Christmas, the better)

It was time to claim the afternoon movies (and if they are Christmas, the better)
Surely it has happened to you, like the creator of the Peli de Tarde website and Twitter. If it is on the weekend, more likely. You finish eating, turn...

Not only barnacles: where to eat in the Galician mountains

Not only barnacles: where to eat in the Galician mountains
This kitchen has little to do with what you had been told about Galician cuisineGalicia it is, in a sense, like an island. The Bay of Biscay to the...

Map and literature: The Madrid street of Esther García Llovet

Map and literature: The Madrid street of Esther García Llovet
the writer says Esther Garcia Llovet who knows the city of Madrid by heart because one of her great hobbies is kicking it. She leaves her house near La...

Route through the cuisine of the Galician Cantabrian coast

Route through the cuisine of the Galician Cantabrian coast
A port to fall in love with good food.The northern Galician coast, the one that “limits to the north with England, through the sea”, as the old documents...

The last breaths of the Mar Menor

The last breaths of the Mar Menor
Every year it is more frequent that we receive images of the catastrophe that the Mar Menor is suffering. Desperate fish gasping on the shore, kilos and...

Writing about a city is also writing about us

Writing about a city is also writing about us
The cities we live in, the ones we inhabit, They become part of our identity. By interacting for a long time with them, inevitably they become part of...

Figatell, the traditional dish that is once again on the lips of Valencian gastronomy

Figatell, the traditional dish that is once again on the lips of Valencian gastronomy
The one known as 'Valencian hamburger', More because of its shape than its flavor, it is a dish whose origin dates back to the area of ​​the Levantine...